Saturday, September 7, 2013

The land of Practice-What-You-Preach

I've been gone for a few months and I'm finally back to give you a little update.

I took a little trip to the mystical land of Practice-What-You-Preach. Not enough people have been there but I was determined to make sure I know what I'm talking about!

I have always been big on preaching how to make your budget for your family and how to climb out of debt. After creating a budget and striving to make it work for my family- things are slowly improving. It also made me realize what a low paying job I have. After looking at my paycheck I realized that I'd worked at this place all year long, and i would make decent money if I actually worked the 42.5hr work week I SHOULD get. However, the constant fluctuation in hours means I've been pulling in about $1000 per month after taxes... ouch!

So it was time for me to implement stage two of my plan to debt free living- make money off my hobbies. I love to read and I've always thought I was a good writer if only I could sit down long enough and FINISH a whole story.

Well, I finally did the impossible. I wrote a book. I wrote a book, established a business name, contacted sellers, designed a cover, came up with a marketing plan and self published my first book!

It is the first weekend after the release. I offered free copies early in the week but any/all sales ended on Friday. So, I'm excited to see what happens. This book was not intended to make much money, rather I expected my NEXT book to be the story that helps boost my income.

My opinion has changed somewhat since I've been watching the sells.
My book was available for sale on Sept 2 and stats as of yesteday...

Smashwords 0 paid sold
Kindle 64 copies sold
ARe 16 copies sold.

Total Revenue for my short story is $239.20
Which means I've made roughly $170 this week.

It won't make me rich but an extra $500- $700 a month would go a LONG way toward helping me become debt free! If the next book is just as profitable for me then I'll have a hobby that makes more money than my day job!